Saturday, January 07, 2023

McCarthy elected Speaker of the House

PJ Media: "Kevin McCarthy Elected 55th Speaker of the House. Here's How It Went Down."

I like all the concessions he agreed to including spending caps and hard line on the debt ceiling.  Our national debt is utterly out of control in the wake of covid.


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    "Kevin McCarthy Elected 55th Speaker of the House. Here's How It Went Down."

    First Kevin went down on Perry, then Kevin went down on Gosar, then Kevin went down on Donalds, then Kevin went down on Biggs, then Kevin went down on Gaetz, then....

  2. Anonymous4:19 PM

    The very first bill passed by McCarthy's hard line spending cuts House would raise the national debt by $114 billion.

    Republican chump voters are the biggest marks there are.

    Keep liking what they say.
