Thursday, January 05, 2023

He looks terrible

I don't know if Joe Biden is getting over a cold or something but he looked like death warmed over during his speech on border security today.  Legal Insurrection: "Biden Proves He Knows Nothing About the Border or Immigration in a Rambling Speech - He doesn’t know what CBP stands for, called Vice President Kamala Harris “President Harris,” thought you could replace Title 42 with Title 8, and said 20,000lbs of fentanyl could only kill 1,000 people." 

Every speech that Brandon gives is a self-indulgent ego stroke.  Yesterday he gave a speech on infrastructure which was a non-stop "I am a generous God!" farrago.  Today he needed to address the worst border crisis in America's history and, dontcha know, it's all the Republicans' fault.  When Joey can't blame somebody else for a disaster - like Afghanistan - he just pretends it went great.

Desperate Afghans falling from U.S. Military planes?  Gosh, that was four or five days ago!  Sheesh.


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Paul Lee Dicks:

    Q: What's the difference between Ashli Babbitt and Kevin McCarthy?

    A: Ashli Babbitt only had to be told once that she wasn't wanted in the House chamber.

  2. Anonymous2:40 PM

    New numbers today. The lowest U.S. unemployment rate since Joe Namath's Jets won the Super Bowl and the Beatles released "Abbey Road."

    Sheesh. He looks terrible.
