Wednesday, December 21, 2022


Marketwatch: "FTX co-founder Gary Wang, ex-Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison plead guilty to federal charges.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Too bad Gary Wang and Caroline Ellison don't have the fiscal acumen of President Joe Biden.

    Joe Biden made the oil trade of the year
    How the White House defanged Russia and OPEC with the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

    Wall Street Journal:
    U.S. Scores $4 Billion Windfall on Oil-Reserve Sales
    Washington emerges as unlikely winner after releases from Strategic Petroleum Reserve

    The WSJ feels very sad about the big Biden oil win, just like you. Helped win the midterms AND turned a profit. Sweet bank shot.

    That's why the Journal piece is the one for disgruntled conservatives to read, with phraseology like “emerges as unlikely winner,” “an unusual attempt to lower gas prices,” “the U.S., for now, is almost $4 billion ahead,” “The question is whether the good news will last,” “Some market participants criticized the Biden administration’s March decision,” “have called on the administration to begin replenishing its stockpiles,” “cannot expect the U.S. government to behave like a trader,” “But now the cannon has been fired,” and other pain soothers.

    Like Galileo said to the Inquisition,
    “And yet, $4 billion.”
