Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Can't believe "do not come" didn't work

Hot Air: "Kamala jumps on the bandwagon as she blames Republicans for the Biden border crisis."

Honestly, though, what else is she going to say?  The only solution is to keep sending busloads of illegals to New York City and Washington D.C.


  1. Anonymous8:26 PM

    The terrifying "Caravan" will be a winning issue for us in 2018...

    Building some Wall, any amount of Wall, will be a winning issue for us in 2020...

    Immigrant bus stunt dumping will be a winning issue for us in 2022...

    Hey! I have a can't miss plan for 2024! Hear me out...

  2. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Speaking of immigration stunts, how'd you like the 4-month border wall in Arizona?

    Over $100 million to illegally put it up.

    And now the state is being forced to dismantle the wall, which ain't free either.

    On the bright side, half of Arizona's taxpayers got to have some extremely temporary jollies.

    It's just too bad that the interim wall couldn't save Governor Lake and Senator Masters.
