Sunday, October 30, 2022

The basement strategy for the mentally compromised

NY Post: "Are we living through ‘Weekend at Biden’s’? America needs to know, but the complicit media won’t ask."
Are staffers covering up for President Joe Biden the way they did for Senate candidate John Fetterman?

Tuesday night’s debate revealed Fetterman’s debilitated post-stroke condition — and thus also exposed both the campaign staff who’d hidden the truth and the Dem-loving members of the media who for months covered for the progressive politico, even stomping on any reporters who raised doubts.

Like Fetterman, Biden keeps the media at arm’s length — vastly more so than any recent prez. He did only nine formal press conferences in all of 2021, and eight so far this year. He’s done just 20 sit-down interviews (many of them softball) through the first year-and-a-half of his presidency.
It's a mystery why the mainstream media keeps losing credibility.  An absolute enigma.




  3. Counting stats12:55 PM

    The numbers:

    In 21 months, Joe Biden has done 9 press conferences by himself, taking reporters' questions at length.

    In his first two years, Donald Trump did 6 solo press conferences.

    Obama did 17 in his first two years. GW Bush did 7.

    Clinton did 27, the first Bush did 56.

    Reagan did 9, Carter did 74. Ford did 22, despite missing the first seven months of 1974. Nixon did 8.

    Calvin Coolidge did 180 of them in his first 2 years, but not on TV.

    Where Joe Biden ranks lower than recent presidents is in joint press conferences alongside other world leaders or guest speakers. The last president to have fewer than Biden in that department was Reagan.

    Obama had more, Trump and GW Bush had a lot more, and Clinton had a LOT more.

    The first President Bush was just 2 joint press conferences ahead of Biden's two-year total, but Sheepish Joe still has until January to "catch" Bush.

  4. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Add a +1, if they take questions:

    NBC News: President Biden and President Obama will hold a joint event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Saturday evening.

  5. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Dingleberry lies continue.

    Nice try, stupid.
