Sunday, October 30, 2022

Photo credit: Jussie Smollett

Hot Air:  "Talk we must about Fetterman's burning yard sign."
Let’s just call this what it was. It was a staged event. It was a hoax designed to try to profit off of the liberal wave of accusations about violent attacks by “MAGA extremists.” But it wasn’t even a good hoax.
You'd think this extraordinary event of mega-MAGA hate would bring the media running to cover this story but instead: crickets.

They know.



  2. Anonymous8:06 PM

    HotAir says we're "reminded of dangerous hate crimes by the mainstream media on an hourly basis (if not more often)," because foul liberals are out to get conservative victims.

    But when "the lack of media coverage" demonstrates "radio silence" (or "crickets"), why, there's no contradiction! It's ALSO because foul liberals are out to get conservative victims.

    Heads, you're martyrs; tails, you're martyrs! Such embarrassing self-regard.

    BTW, despite your attempted Smollett reclamation, none of this makes Senator Rubio's actual, proven media lies about a white supremacist less odious.

  3. Anonymous8:09 PM

    The most shameless part of Hot Air's kabuki rage theatrics:

    For what it’s worth, Team Fetterman didn’t do themselves any favors by immediately following up the announcement of the arson attack with a pitch for more campaign donations. But what else should we have expected?

    SpongeBob SquarePants narrator: Four sentences later...

    HotAir needs your help to stay in the fight. Please consider joining HotAir VIP to access exclusive analysis, etc etc...
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  4. Dingleberry, still beating the Rubio :

  5. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Eric 9 Tito 3 Dingleberry 0
