Monday, September 19, 2022

White House: pay no attention to that old dude

Ace: "Biden Announces He Would Commit US Troops to Defend Taiwan Against China; White House Rushes Out Statement That The "President" Does Not Speak for the U.S. Government."
As you can see, this then forced the White House to once again rush out a statement contradicting the president it supposedly serves, announcing that whatever the Figurehead Puddingbrain claims on TV when he wants to sound like Magnum, P.I., he spoke without authorization and his words are null and void.

This is f------ embarrassing.
It sure is, but President Tough Guy can't help himself.

The other thing that stuck out to me in the 60 Minutes interview is how this thin-skinned dimwit responded to a little bit of pushback on inflation.  Biden tried to say that - golly - inflation only edged up "an inch" on a month-by-month basis and Scott Pelley pointed out it's still the highest rate in 40 years.  This dummy wants credit for keeping inflation from historic highs to even higher highs. You're welcome, America.

Then Biden fell back on his favorite crutch whenever challenged about the economy: the low unemployment rate.  What this has to do with the fact Americans are paying hundreds more for food is unclear but it's all he has since nobody can explain how the Inflation Reduction Act will reduce inflation.

Something something about tax credits if you spend thousands on solar panels for your roof.  Hey, ya gotta spend money to make money!

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