Sunday, September 18, 2022

When we said "come here" we didn't mean "here"

Michael Goodwin: "By transporting migrants, GOP governors are exposing Democrats’ hypocrisy."



  2. Anonymous12:52 PM

    The people of Martha’s Vineyard responded to the spiteful immigrant airdrops with Christian care and compassion.

    Republicans stick their fingers in their ears, and pretend that they’ve thoroughly exposed liberal hypocrisy as they hoped and planned. Reality, shmeality.

    $12 million of Florida taxpayer money, just to find out that Democrats are better people than you are. We’ve been telling you that for free.

    What Would Jesus Do? (A: He’d vote for Charlie Crist and Beto O'Rourke.)

  3. Anonymous3:38 PM

    "Christian care and Compassion." except for the fact that they packed the migrants up and drove them out of their so-called 'Sanctuary City" just as fast as they could. To a military facility facility, no less

    Meanwhile, Republicans are showing the country that they are following the laws as they were written, while the Democrats are flouting them left and right.

    Standard operating procedure for them, of course, what with the FBI fabricating evidence so that they could spy on Trump's campaign at the same time they ignored the laws regarding Hillary destroying emails that had been subpoenaed by Congress, many of which that later surfaced on Anthony Weiner's laptop that were *not* about yoga or Chelsea's wedding. Or Eric Holder's going unpunished for being held in contempt of Congress, or James Comey & Andrew McCabe lying to Congress, etc. etc.

  4. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Or, hey, how about Chicago's Lori Lightfoot bitching about Governor Abbott sending a bus full of migrants to her 'Sanctuary City', and then turning around and busing them to the nearby wealthy suburb of Burr Ridge without bothering to inform the mayor or Village Administrator. Can you spell 'hypocrisy', kiddies?

  5. Liberal compassion :

  6. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Are you talking about the same Charlie Crist who's on video advocating 'vaccine passports' for the citizens of Florida, and the same Beto O'Rourke who's on video advocating seizing the guns of the citizens of Texas? Woo boy, talk about miracles!

    And speaking of hypocrisy, how about the Biden administration refusing to let the number-one-ranked tennis player in the world fly into the country because he wasn't vaccinated, while 200,000 un-vaccinated illegal aliens cross the southern border every month? (That's the same southern border that our Border Czar, Kamala 'knee-pads' Harris said, not just once but twice in a row on national TV, was 'secure'.) I'd really like to hear a defense of that, my dear friend.

  7. Anonymous2:40 AM

    DeSantis and Abbott are behaving legally and ethically with their spite trafficking migrants. Because of...

    ..."spying" on Trump, Wiener's laptop, Knee Pads Harris, Eric Holder, Lori Lightfoot, Comey and McCabe, Beto O'Rourke, Novak Djokovic, etc etc. And Democrats providing care and compassion to the prop immigrants, but not in the location the GOP wanted them to be.

    Such is the septic state of conservative thought. Next time, don't forget to include Obama putting his feet on the Resolute desk, and Billy Carter.


  9. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Yes, you said it correctly: DeSantis and Abbott ARE behaving legally and ethically - they're so overwhelmed with migrants (thanks to Biden ignoring the law) that El Paso is filled with migrants forced to sleep in the street because there's literally nowhere else to house them.

    And the residents of Martha's Vineyard aren't displaying care and compassion, they're kicking them out of town, despite having thousands of empty hotel rooms. Just like Lori Lightfoot in Chicago. I said it before and I'll say it again: "Can you spell 'hypocrisy', kiddies?".

    And you haven't said a word about the campaign successes of Charlie Crist & Beto O'Rourke - seems to me that what Abbott & DeSantis are doing is going over pretty well with the voters, despite your efforts to paint them as raaaacists. But that's to be expected - the liberal's definition of a racist is 'someone who's winning an argument against a progressive.'

  10. Anonymous1:44 PM

    "Un-Christian performative cruelty has us ahead in the polls" is not the ethical coup de grâce you think it is.

    What does it profit a man to, meh, whatever. These days, who can bother remembering how that goes anymore?

  11. Anonymous6:30 PM

    "You have to be cruel to be kind..."

    Have you any of you progressives ever talked with someone who has actually lived for a couple of years under *real* socialism? Russia, Cuba, Romania, or Hungary, perhaps?

    That's why it profit us to prevent you from taking the world. And that's why you can't bother remembering how that goes anymore.

  12. Anonymous7:01 PM

    The actual good guys don't need to keep saying "No, actually, we're the good guys."

  13. Anonymous9:31 PM

    When your opponents falsely accuse you of not being the good guys without any evidence or even making up evidence (e.g. Biden Pelosi and Harris claiming that Trump called the Neo Nazis at Charlottesville 'fine people' when he specifically did not; or the FBI fabricating evidence so they could spy on Trump, then proceeding with the Russian collusion investigation despite knowing from the start that it was false) you have to set the record straight, 'cause all those progressives who form opinions first and then try to sell them as fact believe every lie Biden-Pelosi-Harris tell them.

    And are you telling me that you don't? I mean, THAT'S THE VERY DEFINITION OF 'VIRTUE SIGNALLING'.

  14. Anonymous6:09 PM

    "Wahhh, we are TOO the good guys."

    Victimhood gibberish. You probably blame the "fine people" quote and the Russia "hoax" whenever your cable goes out or your toilet overflows.

  15. Anonymous6:37 PM

    That's really something, coming from people whose very livelihood depends not just on their victimhood, but on their positioning on the victimhood totem pole.

    That's why you're down to claiming that 2 + 2 = 4 is racist.

    And you're the people who came up with those lies about Charlottesville & Russia - if Trump is so bad, why do you have to lie about him?

  16. Anonymous12:22 PM

    You sure respond to my comments pretty quickly.

    You adore 2+2=4, yet you still can't wrap your head around 81 million > 74 million.

    Even the simple mathematical concept of "both" provokes your never-ending rant about how "both sides" didn't really mean "both sides." You need to study harder.

  17. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Let me repeat: It's YOUR SIDE that keeps repeating the FLAT-OUT LIES about the Russian collusion and the Charlottesville Neo-Nazis, not to mention that 2 + 2 = 4 is racist with no sense of shame, and yet you keep pointing fingers at us.

    THAT'S what we still can't wrap our heads around.

  18. Anonymous5:00 PM

    It's weird. Nazis hate minorities.

    But you guys embrace neo-Nazis... even though Republicans are a minority.

    No wonder your side of "both sides" is so angry and confused.
