Friday, September 09, 2022

Off the rails

Legal Insurrection: "Will a Rail Strike be the “Black Swan” of the 2022 Midterm Election?


  1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    You left out the "...oh please please PLEASE oh pleeeease save us please."

  2. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Oh, please please yourself. Pete Buttigieg is eminently qualified for the job he's been given. Biden had to pay back a certain constituency for their votes somehow or other, and that the only qualification that mattered to him.

  3. Anonymous10:59 AM

    The side with the "Orange Swan" is begging for a "Black Swan."

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Boy oh boy, that one's a real stretch, even for you.

    And totally pointless, but that's to be expected from you, of course.

  5. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Not on point, you bray? The Legal Insurrection link is about whether a rail strike will suddenly upend the midterm elections that Republicans are on pace to lose. Try to keep up.

  6. Anonymous9:27 PM

    And that has............... exactly what to do with the Orange Swan?

  7. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Besides which:

    (1) the LI article is full of quotes like "Do not worry. Biden will handle this the same way he handled the supply chain crisis, Covid varants, infant food shortage, Afghan exit...."
    (2) I think even *you* understand that "It's the economy, stupid", and a railroad strike isn't going do much for the economy, or the supply chain crisis (handled so ineptly by Mr. Buttigieg). But not to worry! Biden will just unilaterally overturn a 100-year-old definition of 'recession' to suit his needs, and his uninformed voters will believe every word he says.

    P.S. The article also mentions that this crisis is SO serious that "The administration is taking a break from Trump-Rage..."

  8. Anonymous11:29 PM

    (1) A guy from Legal Insurrection quoting a guy from Red State? You're easily impressed.

    (2) If you don't think the Orange Swan is a central figure in these midterms, you don't think at all.

    (3) THE BIDEN RECESSION simply hasn't panned out as you'd hoped it would. Deal with it.

    (4) "Trump-Rage" is what MAGA semi-fascists call the truth about themselves.

    Here is "the administration taking a break from Trump-Rage":

    Your New York Post, Sunday, Sept 11: [Kamala] Harris says she’d ‘proudly’ run with Biden in 2024, defends his ‘MAGA’ attacks
