Saturday, September 10, 2022

Dementia Joe shuns the press

And the press is OK with that.  Fox News: "Biden finds time to talk cars with Jay Leno, but hasn’t done TV interview with American journalist in 200 days."

Sometimes I read transcripts from the White House website and it's remarkable to see the cadence of a Joe Biden speech.  They follow a familiar pattern where he starts off with Grampa Simpson-style rambling before rehashing the exact same talking points that have been consistently debunked over and over and over again.  

That's why he won't sit down with the media since Lester Holt broke him in February and it's why the rumors that he's already "quiet quit" continue to swirl.  

Back to Delaware for the weekend!  Joe's exhausted from the four public events he had this week.


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Strange complaints. You were merrily chortling because Ron DeSantis was blowing off the media. Christina Pushaw... er, Karine Jean-Pierre is your new boss now.

    See if you can spot the other logical breakdown:

    "Grampa Simpson rambling... rehashing the same bogus talking points... that have been debunked over and over and over again... he was broken by a sharp interviewer... isn't working hard enough at his presidential job... takes too much vacation time off at his home base... and that's why I wish Donald Trump was still president instead."

  2. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I must have missed the 'merrily chortling' bit about Ron DeSantis. Or maybe it appeared on another site you're being paid to troll on?

    And no, I cannot see any other 'logical breakdown'.

  3. Anonymous10:31 AM

    "Cannot" and "pretend not to" are two different things.

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    "Cannot" and "pretend not to" are two different things.

    Holy Hell. Physician, heal thyself.

  5. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I was just about to say those same words myself.

    So, if you can't specifically point out:

    (1) where Eric 'merrily chortled' about Ron DeSantis and

    (2) exactly what the logical breakdown is between "Grampa Simpson rambling... rehashing the same bogus talking points..." and wishing to have President Trump back (you know, with secure borders, $2.50 gasoline, energy independence, Supreme Court Justices who isn't too afraid of her *political* base to define what a woman is, and who was right when he warned Europe about not depending on Russian natural gas).

    then I'm flat-out calling you a lying paid troll.

  6. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I can specifically point out the DeSantis item on this blog. Hint: It's only a few weeks old.

    I found it. You can find it. I wouldn't want you to become another one of those terrible people who just run their mouths, but don't work nearly hard enough.

    Either way, your president is Joe Biden. You're never getting back the rambling, rehashing, continuously debunked, broken hidey-hole vacation addict that you adore.

  7. Anonymous9:24 PM

    " the rambling, rehashing, continuously debunked, broken hidey-hole vacation addict that you adore..." Uh, do you understand what 'projection' is? It's all the rage among progressives, you know.

    And since I don't waste enormous amounts of time to go through weeks of Eric's old posts (or (ahem) get paid to do so...) I'll just quote a posting from a couple of days ago, on Eric's top page:

    "Joe Biden refuses to take questions as he leaves on yet another weekend vacation. Biden has spent 23 of the past 32 days on vacation."

  8. "President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings."11:12 PM

    " the rambling, rehashing, continuously debunked, broken hidey-hole vacation addict that you adore..." Uh, do you understand what 'projection' is? It's all the rage among progressives, you know.

    Do you need an explanation of how chronological time works?

    Let's pretend that all the Biden criticisms are 1,000% true. They all apply to Donald Trump. And Trump came first. But the predecessor's identical weaknesses are ignored and excused by his supporters, who then say the second guy's weaknesses are damning and intolerable.

    That's literally the opposite of liberal projection.
