Thursday, September 01, 2022

It's gonna be a "no" from me, dawg

Ramesh Ponnuru at Bloomberg: "Republicans Need to Get Serious About Social Security" - "Party leaders don’t even have a plan to fix it — which is a pity, since benefits are growing beyond the program’s revenue."

Social Security used to be a hobby issue for me but now I'm quite content to see the whole program come crashing down.  Nobody wants to do the tough work of reform.  It would be better to see the automatic cuts kick in and see how Americans react.


  1. I think a more likely scenario is that something like the "Social Security 2100 Act will be passed in a panic a few days before the cuts happen. Anyone who opposes it will be pictured pushing Granny off a cliff.

  2. I have been reading your blog for maybe 15 years, partly because I agree with the red flag waving on all the economic issues. But I am also past hoping for reform, it's too late, it will all come down in the next few years. We are in for a ginormous reset of the non-WEF variety.
