Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions

Not the Bee: "Can't make it up: California asks residents to stop charging electric cars on strained grid the week after passing a law to ban gas-powered cars." 

These people have learned exactly nothing since Enron gouged them.


  1. Anonymous11:14 PM

    "Well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions"

    Good topic. Another example comes to mind. We're coming up on the 3 week anniversary of the Mar-a-Lago raid to retrieve Trump's stolen classified documents.

    Benedict Donald is going to be criminally indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice in 4 or 5 months. In the interim, he's going to try to foment political violence. Yet again.

    Don Lemon gets a comment during this time, stupid buzzspeak from Kamala Harris gets a comment during this time. But this indefensible lawlessness without historic precedent inspires silence?

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Silence? I thought that was a really nice publicity photo the FBI released the other day, with all those 'Top Secret' documents scattered across the floor of Trump's mansion. You'd *almost* think it was staged or something.

    Of course, it's not like the FBI doesn't have a history of fabricating evidence in an effort to illegally spy on innocent Americans and launch a fishing expedition to indict Trump (I'm looking at you, Kevin Clinesmith.)

    But not to worry - the DOJ came down *hard* on Kevin - having to report to a probation officer every month would make anybody think twice before doing anything like that again in the future (he's already got his license to practice law restored).

    And James Comey & Andrew McCabe, having admittedly lied to Congress, are walking around free as a bird - when you describe Trump's America as a Fascist Police State methinks you're projecting more than just a little bit, my friend.

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Not silence everywhere, you ninny. Silence on this blog.

    The noise elsewhere about Trump's crimes and the crackpot squealing from MAGA world has been glorious.

    By the way, nice crackpot squealing.

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Squealing? I'm just sitting here counting up all the lies you-all are telling left and right about Trump.

    Actions speak much, much louder than words, my friend, and by telling these lies and fabricating this evidence you're announcing to the world that:

    (1) Trump can't be *that* bad, otherwise you wouldn't have to make up phony Russian Collusion stories and 'Neo-Nazis are fine people' lies.

    (2) You're *terrified* of Trump, because you're attacking him non-stop.

    The truth hurts, don't it?

  5. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Any evidence against Trump is fake, verbatim speech is fake, documented collusion is fake, polling is fake, all Trump criticism is fake...

    ...but the FBI planting documents was real, double-secret declassification is real, all of his contradictory document denials are real, Trump's secure border was real, Biden's stolen election was real...

    Squeal, squeal, squeal.

  6. Anonymous7:55 PM

    "evidence"? You're right, it is fake, Kevin Clinesmith has already pleaded guilty to forging it. Did wonders for the FBI's reputation, didn't it?

    "verbatim speech"? You can take anything you want out of context...

    "documented collusion is fake"? Absolutely. The Steele dossier was as fake as they come, and the FBI knew it and continued to illegally spy on the Trump campaign anyway. Adam Schiff has claimed on multiple occasions that he has *personally* seen documented evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia, but no one else on planet earth has ever seen this evidence. Funny how some people still believe him, isn't it?

    "polling is fake" Polling had Hillary to win at 95% just before she lost, so, yes, polling is fake.

    Trump's secure border was real, so I don't get your point. But the mayors of New York Washington and now Chicago are starting to find out about the realities of Biden's border, aren't they, and the truth is starting to hurt, isn't it?

    And Biden's chief of staff, Ron Klain, has yet to concede the 2000 election, and we're *still* waiting on Stacey Adams to concede her loss in Georgia, so we have a pretty clear case of the pot calling the kettle black, I think.

    Admit it - you're TERRIFIED of Trump.

  7. Anonymous9:35 PM

    The same Trump who gave us the Senate, and who's going to win us the midterm? He has his uses.
