Thursday, September 15, 2022

Bluff called

Powerline: "The GOP is learning how to fight"
And when I saw the headline that Gov. Ron De Santis had flown two planeloads of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard, and that Gov. Abbott had dropped off two busloads of illegal immigrants out front of Kamala “The-Border-Is-Secure” Harris’s residence, I thought sure this had to be another madcap satire of the Babylon Bee. But no, this actually happened.

Finally—Republicans are learning how to fight, and we’ve seen the sanctimony of “sanctuary cities” revealed for what it is. More of this please. I’ve been saying for years that southern border states should send busloads of illegal immigrants to Marin County, Evanston, Westchester, Montgomery County, Bucks County, Malibu, Boulder, Cambridge, etc. Hopefully this is only the beginning, and the pace of these resettlements to affluent blue enclaves will increase. 
A couple years ago I was at a concert at Tanglewood and somebody on stage just couldn't help but make a comment about Trump's immigration policy.  At the time, I told my kids that "nobody in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts will ever face the consequences of illegal immigration."

So I'm loving the freakout on Martha's Vineyard.  They should start dropping them off at every house here in the Pioneer Valley with one of those insufferable "nobody is illegal" signs.


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Bluff trumped:

    Greg Abbott sent a bunch of migrants to New York.

    New York turned around and shipped them down to Ron DeSantis in Florida.

    Most highways go in two directions.

    Fox NY:
    NYC helping migrants who were bused from Texas relocate to other states

  2. Anonymous8:30 PM

    But it's understandable why stunt politics would feel so rewarding to conservatives right now.

    The Perfectly Timed National Rail Strike lasted even less time than The Biden Recession.

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

  4. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Mark Harris: "The conservative belief that liberals would learn to hate immigrants if we could only meet them is everything you need to know about modern American conservatism."


  6. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Eric 2 Dingleberry 0

  7. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I think it's sweet that Republicans invented something stupid and shiny to distract them from the steady diet of disappointing news and setbacks they've been getting.

    Is it helping to wash out the taste of dingleberry in your mouth?

  8. Anonymous1:00 PM

    So tell me, then, what does "A Sanctuary City" mean then, except "This is the very definition of Virtue Signalling" and we don't really mean a single word of it?

  9. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Vice signaling and false witness, plus you want to claim the high ground. Good luck with that equation.

  10. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Coming from someone who believes Kamala Harris when she says on national TV: "The Southern Border is secure!", and who also believes that men can get pregnant, that it's fair to let biological men to compete in women's sports, and that it's appropriate for kindergarten students be taught about homosexuality, I take that as a complement.

  11. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Mad Libs was just the title of a silly "random word" game for children.

    Spewing random Mad Libs grievances doesn't literally make libs mad.

  12. Anonymous3:45 PM

    You sure respond to my comments pretty quickly.

    Soros has some pretty high expectations for you professional trolls, doesn't he?

  13. Anonymous6:12 PM

    It takes very little time to discredit Mad Libs whining.

  14. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Admit it - you believe that it's appropriate to teach kindergartners that there are 57 genders, they can choose whatever one they want, and that the school promises they won't tell their parents about it.

  15. Anonymous12:09 PM

    You sure respond to my comments pretty quickly.

    Accused of Mad Libs whining, you respond by whining about gender fluidity, child indoctrination and authoritarian schools.

    Odds for your next powerful, on-topic response:
    55%: AOC and The Squad
    63%: The stolen election
    81%: Hunter's laptop, Charlottesville alibi revisionism and Pelosi's haircut

  16. Anonymous1:51 PM

    And your point is...... what, exactly?

    BTW, I can't help but notice that you pointedly refuse to deny that you're a paid, professional troll. I guess your handlers' legal counsel is well aware that any untruthful denial has legal implications for whichever Soros-backed dark-money PAC is paying you, and has strict rules against that.

    But, whatever. I don't have to get paid for doing this; it's fun swatting you down with undeniable facts about the lies you progressives tell, the science you deny, and the repulsive morality you push just to get a few more votes.

  17. Anonymous5:28 PM

    And your point is...... what, exactly?

    I literally just said it three times in a row.

    Sorry, but I get paid to push repulsive morality, not to give remedial reading tips to the slow.

    You must have missed the point each time, in your haste to type "Soros! Pregnant men! Sanctuary city! Russia hoax! Wiener's laptop! Icky sex ed! Racist math! Too many genders! Beto wants your guns! Hungarian socialism! FBI spying! Fake evidence! Eric Holder! Kneepads Harris! Paid troll! Justice for Djokovic! Charlottesville trutherism 4ever!"

    But those were all excellent "swat down" defenses of DeSantis' migrant hate stunt — the actual topic at hand. You 1,000, Dingleberry 0.

    Your Mad Libs rage vomit plainly demonstrates the high level of "fun" you're having. Try not to have so much fun that you stroke out.
