Friday, September 16, 2022

And....the Martha's Vineyard migrants are gone

Couldn't virtue signal for 24 hours: "Conservatives on social media mock leftists' Martha's Vineyard migrant hypocrisy." 



  2. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Remember the "Eek, here comes the dreaded caravan!" strategy? Remember how it completely turned around the 2018 midterms for Republican candidates?

    Who says the GOP's not still The Party Of Ideas?

  3. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Krang T Nelson on Twitter:

    "DeSantis is going to pull stunt after stunt between now and the 2024 primaries in a desperate attempt to raise his profile amongst the nations dumbest and meanest conservatives, then get absolutely wiped off the map the moment Trump calls him "Miss Florida" at one of the debates.”


  5. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Well, when you've got the major media outlets actively ignoring a story, and the FBI actually pressuring social media outlets to suppress a story, that *does* help your side a bit.

    Hey, did George Orwell call it, or what?

  6. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Hey, did George Orwell call it, or what?

    He sure did!

    "It should be noted that there is now no intelligentsia that is not in some sense “Left”."

    "When I joined the militia I had promised myself to kill one Fascist — after all, if each of us killed one they would soon be extinct."

    Rather than one Fascist, how about if we make it two semi-Fascists?

  7. Anonymous3:24 PM

    "There is no hate here in this house". Ever heard of the term 'projection'?

    Sure glad Biden ran on a platform of uniting the country! Interesting, too, that his definition of bi-partisanship meant 'Republicans voting for everything the Democrats want'.

  8. Anonymous3:13 AM

    "The Democrats are the ones who hate.
    The Democrats' president is a divider.
    Ever heard of the term 'projection'?"

  9. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Very well put! Couldn't agree with you more.

    "Reality doesn't give a f*ck about your feelings" either.

  10. Anonymous1:33 PM

    And as long as we're talking about progressives' feelings, check this one out:

    Canadian teacher says 2+2=4 is white supremacy.

  11. Anonymous7:13 PM

    MAGAts: Boom! We just owned the libs so hard by sending them migrants!

    Libs: Our cities have thousands of immigrants, including many undocumented immigrants. It's why you hate cities so much.

    MAGAts: Ha ha, look, they're officially owned so hard, they don't know what to do.

    Libs: Just as before, we've provided these latest immigrants with shelter, food, medicine and child care.

    MAGAts: Ha ha, so much projection!

  12. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Libs: Just as before, we've provided these latest immigrants with shelter, food, medicine and child care... before busing them out of town as fast as we could.

    P.S. Especially if they're from Venezuela - wouldn't want our children to hear how socialism works in real life, would we?

  13. Anonymous3:56 PM

    And BTW, it's not that we *hate* cities, it's just that the crime rate does seem to be soaring in every big city run by Democrats, being as how shoplifting under $950 is only a misdemeanor now, and even violent criminals walk out of the courthouse with no bail requirements anymore, only to commit additional felonies again & again. I mean, what did they think would happen. (Oh, right, they'd get the BLM votes. I forgot.)

  14. Anonymous6:03 PM

    it's just that the crime rate does seem to be soaring in every big city run by Democrats

    "Does seem." Bless your personal little feelings.

    Violent crime rates in America (that's murder, assault, rape and robbery) are higher in red states than blue states.

    The ten U.S. states with the highest violent crime rates, starting with #1: Alaska, New Mexico, Louisiana, Colorado, South Carolina, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Washington, Tennessee, Oregon, Missouri.

    California is 19th-highest. Illinois is 36th. New York is 41st.

    Highest larceny theft rates, starting with #1: Louisiana; South Carolina; Oregon; Colorado; Utah; Washington; Arkansas; Tennessee; New Mexico; Missouri.

    California is 29th-highest. New York is 37th. Illinois is 38th.

    The three safest big U.S. cities by overall crime rate (pop. 500,000+) are El Paso, then San Diego, and New York City in 3rd. California has four of the top ten big safe cities, including Los Angeles.

    It "seems" like you're terrified to use Google.

  15. Anonymous6:45 PM

    When your Soros-backed prosecutor classifies a $900 shoplifting case as a misdemeanor, and people no longer report car break-ins because the police don't bother to show up anyway, that does wonders for your larceny rates. Los Angeles & NYC safe? In your dreams.

  16. Anonymous12:12 PM

    You sure respond to my comments pretty quickly.

    For someone who thinks 2+2=4 is endangered, you sure want to wish away other numbers.
