Wednesday, July 06, 2022

When you allow your debating skills to atrophy

This was quite a post at Hot Air: "The overturning of Roe and the left's failure of imagination."  They never saw it coming and never felt the need to defend their position when condescension was so easily accessible:
Douthat piggybacked on that statement by noting the reason pro-choice people haven’t needed to debate the issue is that the entire culture was in lock-step agreement with them. Pro-lifers were just a sort of novelty they never had to really engage beyond a few talking points supplied by the abortion industry. He calls is a failure of imagination.
This is something I've touched upon repeatedly when I post "the Left hates free speech."  The Left doesn't deign to debate ideas with the other side when it's so much easier to just call them racist or sexist.  There's only one political side that regularly calls for censorship of cable news stations they find disagreeable or the deletion of ideas they deem hurtful or dangerous to Mother Earth.

In other words: shut up, they explained.

If the Left had the courage of their convictions, they'd be calling for debate at every turn.  They'd accept every opportunity to meet with conservative icons and put them in their place.  But not only do they refuse to acknowledge a differing viewpoint, they demand censorship. 

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