Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Rudderless, aimless and hopeless is no way to go through life, son

CNN: "After string of Supreme Court setbacks, Democrats wonder whether Biden White House is capable of urgency moment demands."
Top Democrats complain the President isn't acting with -- or perhaps is even capable of -- the urgency the moment demands.
"Rudderless, aimless and hopeless" is how one member of Congress described the White House.
Two dozen leading Democratic politicians and operatives, as well as several within the West Wing, tell CNN they feel this goes deeper than questions of ideology and posture. Instead, they say, it gets to questions of basic management.
Never mind asking if Joe Biden will be able to answer the 3 a.m. call.  He can't answer the 3 p.m. call; that's nap time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Biden criticizes the Supreme Court's decisions:
    "Who asked you? Just do your job. Clown show."

    Biden doesn't criticize the Supreme Court's decisions with enough urgency:
    "Speak up! Do something! Clown show."

    From the CNN article:
    "At the very least, the President should get caught trying to bring prices down just about every day."

    From Hot Air:
    Did a White House "intern" write the ridiculous gas station price hike tweet?

    It's such lovely weather for cherrypicking.

    Things are so hopeless, the GOP's midterm generic Congressional ballot lead has dipped to 1.6%.
