Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Yes, I also noticed that statistical trick

Ace: "Lyin' Biden Proposes Suspending the Federal Gas Tax, and Urges States to Cut State Gas Taxes, But Proposes Nothing to Increase Supply; Claims He's Producing More Oil Than Trump, and Claims Only the War in Ukraine Has Caused Increase in Gas Prices."
He claims the US is producing more oil now, "on average," than it did under Trump.

Note he says "on average," not "at peak."

That's because the worldwide covid shutdown and attendant crash in demand for oil caused, naturally, a sharp fall in the production of oil. So Trump's oil production, which had hit all-time records, then slowed down starting in December 2019 -- lowering his "average" oil production.
This is on par with his often-repeated claim that he's reduced the deficit by $1.6 trillion or that he's created a whole bunch of jobs.  Biden doesn't want you to notice that both are due to the end of covid stimuli and the attendant return of lost jobs.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Oil production in 2021, Biden’s only full year to date, was higher than in three of Trump’s four years.

    Biden's 2021 was 9% lower than Trump’s best oil year. It was 29% better than Trump’s lowest oil year (which ended before COVID began). In 2022, Biden’s second year, oil production has only increased further.

    Unless a vast sinkhole suddenly opens in central North America, oil production is going to rise still higher during the next 7 months. And then go higher than that. You'll be hearing about Biden's all-time record next year, if the EIA forecast proves correct.

    You want “at peak” to replace “on average” because that one-year 2019 spike is the only way Trump surpasses Biden in this comparison. (For now.)

    Also, you’re VERY skeptical of “statistical tricks.”
