Thursday, June 23, 2022

Unclear on the concept

Twitchy: "Biden’s Justice Department issues a statement respectfully disagreeing with the Supreme Court’s decision."

Who asked you?  Just do your job.  Clown show.


  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    It's great to know that protesters have the constitutional right to bring loaded guns in their pockets right outside Bret Kavanaugh's home, forever. Or until he's no longer living there, for some reason or another. Bret said so himself!

  2. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Biden was much calmer than Samuel Alito's unasked-for clown show:

    In a sparse but relentlessly caustic concurring opinion, the conservative Alito criticized his liberal colleagues for their dissent, blasting them for attempting to "obscure" the specific question the court had decided, and for referencing the recent mass shootings that have shocked the nation.

    The fact that Alito, who joined Thomas' opinion in full, chose to also strike out alone against the dissenters highlights the current tension on the court.

    Also, Alito's leaked abortion draft was so self-contradictory that it highlighted another current tension on the court: the one between Alito and Alito.

    For a guy rolling back the 20th century, he sure has an awfully thin skin.
