Friday, June 03, 2022

Student loan forgiveness

The Corner: "‘There Are a Lot of People Very Close to the President Who Privately Understand That This Is a Complete Disaster’."
If there are “a lot of people very close to the president who privately understand that this is a complete disaster for them,” then those people need to speak up now, before Biden commits a generational political mistake. The move is statutorily illegal, it is morally revolting, and it is disgracefully self-serving. If Biden does it, he will damage our system of government, tear the country further apart, and confirm forever that he is little more than a puppet. If, indeed, there are people on his staff who can see this too, then worrying “privately” ain’t gonna cut it.
No less than Nancy Pelosi has stated the President just can't wave his magic wand and forgive student loan debt.  This will really be the acid test whether Joe Biden is President or just a puppet.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    But if Biden is just a puppet, then he will do whatever Nancy Pelosi and other elites tell him to do...
