Saturday, June 04, 2022

Maverick flies

Breitbart: "Woketard Leftists whine as "Top Gun" continues to overperform."

I saw "Top Gun Maverick" last weekend and it was good.  In all honesty, it was the "trench attack" scene from "Star Wars" but in an Iranian canyon, complete with a deus ex machina save from the Millennium Falcon in the moment of maximum peril.

There's one thing I want to mention that I think makes this movie special.  There's a female aviator - callsign "Phoenix" - who is a pilot who just happens to be a woman.  There's no questioning from the male aviators about her ability to be among them, they don't overtly hit on her as testosterone-driven men will, and there's no tiresome dialogue about "I can do anything a man can do."  She can fly a plane, everybody appears to know this, and nobody makes a stereotypical comment about her gender.

Sweet mercy, it was so nice to see a movie that avoided that all-too-common trope.


  1. Anonymous2:52 AM

    "Woketard Leftists whine as "Top Gun" continues to overperform."

    Breitbart's whiny premise is Breitarded. "Top Gun" showings in IMAX don't have this much projection.

  2. Don't worry, anonymous. You have your 'Pride' month.

  3. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Bringing "Ha ha your gay" into a discussion about the "Top Gun" franchise? Cool strategy, catcher.

    Conservatives badly want to make Maverick an antidote to Mr. Potato Head or some other stupid s#it, because they've completely lost the culture wars and they hate it.

    Imagining what "Woketard Leftists" wailing about Top Gun must sound like lets them feel triumphant.

  4. Anonymous2:17 PM

    [deleted by host]

    [deleted by host]

    [deleted by host]

    The Left hates free speech, a continuing series.
