Friday, February 18, 2022

What is the strategy here?

Red State: "Joe Biden Makes a Big Announcement on Ukraine That Only Raises More Questions About His Competency."
I’m not saying Russia won’t eventually invade. In fact, I think it’s more than likely at this point in time. What I am saying is that it makes the United States look weak and incompetent to keep making these predictions and have them not come true. In fact, I’d posit that Putin knows exactly what he’s doing in that respect, and that Biden is playing right into his hands.

Besides, to the extent that Biden’s continual beating of war drums can be considered a strategy, I’m convinced it’s the absolute worst one imaginable if the goal is to discourage Russia from invading Ukraine. By spending almost a month confidently insisting that a Russian invasion is “imminent,” Putin has now been unnecessarily backed into a corner. He almost has to invade now, in order to avoid the embarrassment he would suffer if he doesn’t, at home and abroad.
That's what I don't understand about this approach: Biden is just about daring Putin to invade.  In today's "press conference" (three questions!), Biden made news by declaring that Putin is going to invade but Russia will be subject to sanctions.  I suppose this means we're going to buy slightly less Russian oil.

Conspiracy theory: is Biden hoping for a war so he can blame high gas prices on Russia?  Blaming everybody else is very on-brand for this White House.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Gas prices are gonna rise? It's a fortunate thing for our economy that the money's still pouring in from Donald Trump's historic trade deal with China, which so far has... oh.
