Friday, February 18, 2022

This stinks on ice

AP News: "‘I hate this sport!’: Rage, teen tears and Olympic collapse."

The woman's free skate at the Olympics was an epic s--t show last night:
The gold medalist said she felt empty. The silver medalist pledged never to skate again. The favorite left in tears without saying a word.
There is something seriously wrong here and I don't think it's isolated to the Russians.  NBC's coverage just makes it worse by sticking a camera straight into the face of teenagers who don't have great control of their emotions.  Want to know why the ratings for the Olympics are in the dumpster?  This is a contributing factor.

1 comment:

  1. Fred Silverman5:46 PM

    NBC's Olympics coverage has been the highest-rated show on American television every night of the Games except for Super Bowl Sunday.

    Olympics viewership has been doubling and tripling the shows in second place. Does that put every other show on every other network underneath the dumpster?

    The unrepeatable ratings numbers of the past no longer have any real correlation to today's television business.
