Thursday, February 10, 2022

This post already got more expensive

NY Post editorial: "Biden breaks another inflation record."
Check another economic record off the list for the Biden administration: Consumer Price Index inflation just hit 7.5% for the year ending in January, the highest jump since 1982. 

Fuel oil? Up 46.5% for the year. Gasoline? 40%. Used cars? 40.5%. New cars? 12.2% Meat, fish, poultry and eggs? 12.2%. Breads and cereals? 6.8%. 

Eating, driving and keeping your house warm all saw the biggest price spikes in decades.
At a Biden town hall, a woman asked Brandon about inflation and his response was "hey, remember that covid check you got?"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Greatest jobs president ever for any single year.

    By wild coincidence, largest one-year drop in unemployment ever.

    Unemployment claims drop from 18 million to 2 million.

    Highest stock market ever.

    Lowest child poverty rate ever.

    Biggest GDP growth in over 50 years.

    Best first-year rise in dollar strength in over 40 years.

    Highest consumer credit borrowing in over 50 years.

    Highest corporate profit growth in over 50 years.

    But the New York Post only has so many pages. Maybe these'll be in tomorrow's edition.
