Wednesday, February 09, 2022

"I don't know what the truth is here"

But - YOLO! - let's run this editorial.  Hot Air: "As Sarah Palin vs NY Times libel trial continues, central arguments come into focus."

There's no conscious malice here but there's certainly the standard of "reckless disregard" to the truth.  James Bennet admitted it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    "Central arguments come into focus":

    "And as Sarah Palin continued to press this point, suggesting that The Times had a history of lying about her, the judge in the case, Jed S. Rakoff, asked her to be more specific. Ms. Palin replied, 'I don’t have the specific articles in front of me.'”

    No biggie. It's not like she was there to make a case in court or anything.

    Today, Palin falsely told the jury that she was no longer in politics at the time of the editorial, and was just a wife and mom. She was forced to concede that wasn't true.

    Judge Rakoff, later: "Furthermore,the evidence frankly that Mr. Bennet harbored ill will towards Ms. Palin is quite modest indeed." Rakoff decides that punitive damages are off the table.
