Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Build Back Better? Never heard of it

NY Post: "Sen. Joe Manchin calls Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ a ‘dead’ issue." 

This guy has gone on to full-blown retribution.


  1. Anonymous12:29 AM

    President Donald Trump personally tried to use the Department of Justice, then the Department of Homeland Security, and then the U.S. military to physically seize voting machines, in order to illegally overturn the election result and turn the greatest democracy on earth into a junta.

    Tonight's Top Story: Manchin a burr in Biden's side, Part 84

  2. It's been a year but - please - keep the focus on Trump.

    It worked out so well for Terry McAuliffe.

  3. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Ha ha ha, the ruler of your party who orchestrated a failed coup against America "lives rent-free in Dummocrats' heads"...

    ...is that how it goes for the Party of Principle these days?

    (Bonus Fun Fact: Keeping the focus on Trump in 2021 gave Schumer the Senate.)

  4. Anonymous3:35 PM

    You must be mistaken. CNN told me that some racist Senator from West Virginia was single handedly controlling the Senate.

  5. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Some racist Senator from West Virginia would only be the 48th Democrat of 48 today, controlling nada against 52 Republican Senators.... if not for Donald Trump's idiotic scorched earth March to the Sea in Georgia.

    Also, add the NSA to the agencies Trump wanted to subvert in order to steal the election he'd lost.

    I'm sorry to bring up such trivial nonsense about destroying the American system when there's important hard news out there. VP was saying something about "Brandon" failing to cure cancer, and the continuing irritation of Kamala Harris' existence?
