Monday, January 31, 2022

Imagine believing this

Today's unintentional comedy comes courtesy of Obama's former communication director Dan Pfeiffer, making excuses for why the Democrats' prospects look so bad.  It's that darn media!
The biggest problem is that most Democrats continue to believe the best way we’re going to communicate, or maybe the only way to communicate our message, is through traditional press. We’re going to tell the New York Times, we’re going to tell CNN, we’re going to tell the Richmond Times-Dispatch, and they’re going to communicate that to the public. That model hasn’t worked for a very long time.
Sure thing, chief.  That's why Gallup and other sources have reported that the Left thinks the mainstream media is doing a great job while everybody else thinks they stink on ice.
We’re in a world where Facebook dominates, where right-wing propaganda and disinformation dominates. The idea that anyone other than the most plugged-in news junkies are going to have any real information about what’s happening is just folly.
My God, has Dan Pfeiffer ever been on Facebook or Reddit?  It's a masturbatory orgy of self-satisfied virtue signaling.  It's impossible to state the slightest opinion right-of-center on Reddit before brigades of keyboard warriors downvote you into oblivion.  I peeked on my wife's Facebook feed yesterday and it was chock full of stunning and brave people reading "Maus" to demonstrate their bravery and stunningness.
Our party tends to think the press will do our job for us.
Golly, I wonder what gave them that idea.  


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