Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Complete trash

Rich Lowry: "What a Garbage Speech"
The supposed promise of President Joe Biden in the 2020 election was that he’d be the adult in the room, but if there was any doubt, today’s speech removed it — he’s the same hack he’s always been.
If you're Joe Manchin or Kirsten Sinema, looking for some conciliatory words that might soften your opposition to changing Senate rules, well it was good to know you're just a big racist:
At one point during his speech, Biden pulled the “you’re either with us or you’re evil,” card, suggesting that those who disagreed with him and his fellow Democrats on federalizing elections were akin to racist Democrats of the past including Jefferson Davis, Bull Connor, and George Wallace.
I listened to this verbal vomit on NPR driving home today and Biden's strident and desperate tone didn't surprise me.  What did surprise me was the commentary straight from the liberal bubble of NPR where the analysts were talking about how Biden was reaching out to two audiences: the American people and the holdout Senators.  They universally agreed that we would have to wait and see how effective it would be in changing anybody's mind.

No.  Wrong.  This was the oratorical equivalent of following Sinema into a women's bathroom.  There was zero persuasion and 100% shaming in this speech, just more division and moral grandstanding.  Like Rich Lowry, I don't know why Biden is committed to projecting weakness and fecklessness.  He's an enervated, spent politician that nobody listens to anymore.

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