Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Bare shelves Biden

It's been a while since I've been to the local Stop and Shop.  I went tonight for some basics and, sweet mercy, the rumors are entirely true: the shelves are empty.

Absolutely NO bagged salad.  No cat food.  The meat section was decimated and reduced to some Johnsonville brats.  In the chicken section, there were four packages of in-bone thighs.  Forget about cream cheese.

The only thing missing was a babushka searching for some instant borscht.

Extra - A series of pictures of empty shelves at Instapundit


  1. In my area, the general Seattle burbs, I've begun to see this playing out. I noticed the cat food aisle almost empty in the last week and things like juice beginning to drop. I suspect it'll vary from place to place until the bottom just drops out.

  2. I saw a video today - can't remember where - but a guy was walking around a supermarket and it was just desolate. It's crazy.

  3. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Chain supermarket owners are blaming Omicron for the worker sickouts and supply chain delays.

    As the Supreme Court slaps down the workplace vaccination mandate, hyuk-yuk-yuk! Take THAT... um... Brandon? And enjoy those brats and chicken thighs.
