Sunday, August 15, 2021

True to form

Charles C. W. Cooke: "President Biden’s Afghanistan Predictions Were Disastrously Wrong." - "If one wishes to, one can argue that this wasn’t Biden’s fault, or that he inherited a bad situation, or that it’s far more complicated than it looks. One can even argue that what’s happening doesn’t change the rationale for Biden’s decision. But, under no circumstances, can one argue that this is turning out how the president imagined it would."  

Extra - Axios: "Rarely has an American president's predictions been so wrong, so fast, so convincingly as President Biden on Afghanistan." 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    It's sad that Donald Rumsfeld took the coward's way out in June, and isn't around to see his baby all grown up and flexing.

    It's also a shame that Donald Trump didn't get his hoped-for photo op grinning with the Taliban leadership at (dear Lord) Camp David. Ivanka could've brought a Koran in her purse. That would have gotten Trump his Noble Prize for sure.
