Sunday, August 15, 2021

If you were wondering if Joe Biden would blame Afghanistan on Trump...

...well, come collect your prize.  Breitbart: "Joe Biden blames Donald Trump for Afghanistan collapse - despite calling Taliban takeover 'unlikely' in July."

The media is dutifully advancing that narrative with their "gosh, this has been going on for years" schtick, a blame-spreading story they surely would have run if Trump were still in office.  /sarc

If you're wondering where Joe Biden learned this technique, well, he learned it from the Master: "President Obama took credit in 2012 for withdrawing all troops from Iraq. Today he said something different."
For much of that election year, Obama had included a line of celebration in his standard stump speech, one that among an electorate exhausted by more than a decade of war always drew a rousing applause: “Four years ago, I promised to end the war in Iraq,” Obama proclaimed in Bowling Green, Ohio, in September 2012, and did nearly every day after until the election. “We did.”
Take a wild guess what happened when it all went south and ISIS rushed into the power vacuum:
On Thursday, Obama addressed reporters in the White House Briefing Room about Iraq’s latest crisis. “Do you wish you had left a residual force in Iraq? Any regrets about that decision in 2011?” a reporter asked. “Well, keep in mind that wasn’t a decision made by me,” Obama said. “That was a decision made by the Iraqi government.”
Because, gosh-darn-it, Obama just couldn't do anything about the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) that Dubya had negotiated back in 2008.  It's not like he's Commander in Chief or anything.  Truly a Profile in Courage.

The final word:

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