Monday, January 04, 2021

Your non-Georgia update

Federalist: "Radical Democrats Are Turning Minneapolis Into A Violent Wasteland" - "If you want to know what the real-time self-destruction of a city looks like under Democrats’ dangerous ideology, Minneapolis offers the perfect model." 


  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Top story of the week!

    Well, one of the top stories. The other most important stories in America right now are Eric Swalwell, the mayor of Portland, and some a-hole teenager who busted another teenager's N-word tweet.

  2. The above comment and commenter, encapsulated in video.

    When he's not making his demands for blog content, this is his typical commentary.

    His official name is now Mishka.

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Trolly confuses imaginary "demands for blog content" with the pointed mockery of it.

    There's "radical, real-time ideological destruction" happening RIGHT NOW... dramatic pause... in Minneapolis!

    Dogs only lick their own balls. Don't Donald Trump's balls taste a little stale to you after five futile years of gargling them?

  4. I'm following the example of the New York Times who has not published a single word on Eric Swalwell sleeping with a Chinese spy.

    Guess that didn't fit.

  5. Anonymous10:10 PM

    The puzzle: OP_N R_PUBLICAN S_DITION

    "Pat, I'd like to buy a Swalwell."

    Keep your eye on the prize. Bill de Blasio, the women's soccer team and Clock Boy have got to be up to something.

  6. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Gooood morning, boys! And how was YOUR night?

  7. Anonymous3:48 PM

    So, what's the latest update on mob violence in... checks notes... Minneapolis?

  8. Sorry I wasn't able to post an update at 3:48pm. Unlike you, I was at work.

  9. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Bet I made more money today than you did.

    What's your job... retreating to frivolousness and old grudges every time the GOP hits an indefensible patch?

  10. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Anyway, you SURE you want to go with that lame roast comeback? Some recent posts:

    Monday-- Posted by Eric at 12:42 PM
    Wednesday-- Posted by Eric at 10:47 AM
    Tuesday-- Posted by Eric at 12:22 PM
    Monday-- Posted by Eric at 1:59 PM; Posted by Eric at 1:54 PM
    Monday-- Posted by Eric at 1:14 PM
    Tuesday-- Posted by Eric at 11:46 AM
    Wednesday-- Posted by Eric at 10:47 AM

    Appropriately, that last one was titled "Weak deflection."

  11. Anonymous11:20 AM

    The good news is that you could be a segment producer at Fox News.
