Saturday, January 02, 2021

This sounds like Russian propaganda

Washington Examiner: "2020 was the point of no return for establishment media." - "After 2020, it will be hard to see corporate media as anything but a public relations arm of the Democratic Party following the former’s attempts to bury not one, not two, but three major allegations leveled against left-wing politicians."  Here's the third one.  


  1. Anonymous6:12 PM

    A party that's about to have 160 of its elected Congressmen "nuh-UH!" a lost election isn't in a great position to critique anyone else's supposed avoidance of reality.

  2. So you're saying the votes in those six swing states was hunky-dory and on the level? I saw PA being stolen a full six weeks before the election, what with illegal changes to election laws and all that and apparently you did not. To have schmucks like you lecture us on 'avoidance of reality' is the ultimate in Freudian projection.

  3. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Perfect timing as always, Roger.

    The Hill:
    Trump asked Georgia secretary of state to 'find' 11.7k ballots, 'recalculate' election result

    Also, the Pennsylvania legislature has been controlled by Republicans for a decade, you delusional crybaby.
