Friday, January 22, 2021

Today's media roundup

Reason: "The Washington Post Tried To Memory-Hole Kamala Harris' Bad Joke About Inmates Begging for Food and Water - "At a time when legacy publications are increasingly seen as playing for one political "team" or the other, this type of editorial decision will not do anything to fix that perception."

City Journal: "Slouching Toward Post-Journalism" - "The New York Times and other elite media outlets have openly embraced advocacy over reporting."

"Listen, baby, I know I said I wouldn't cheat on you but were confused by my misstatement."  


  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Add this to the media roundup:

    The Left hates free speech, a continuing series:

    Dr. Anthony Fauci to Rachel Maddow Friday night:

    ""I've been wanting to come on your show for months and months. You've been asking me to come on your show for months and months. And it’s just gotten blocked. Let's call it what it is. It just got blocked because they didn't like the way you handle things, and they didn't want me on.”

  2. This is not the same and you know it.

    There was absolutely nothing - at all - preventing Fauci from speaking his mind. This story only makes him look worse.

  3. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Milo Yiannopoulos losing any one-night campus gig on his I Dare You to Cut My Mic, Libtards provocation tour was intolerable.

    But Dr. Anthony Fauci should have thrown away his 53-year career in public health service (AKA "absolutely nothing - at all") if free speech is soooo important to him.

  4. Anonymous12:44 PM

    The Left hates free speech, a continuing series:

    The head of [Dr. Anthony Fauci’s] Secret Service detail said he began receiving death threats on March 28, about two weeks after he was given a security detail. His family also began to receive direct threats.

    "It was the harassment of my wife, and particularly my children, that upset me more than anything else," Fauci said. "They knew where my kids work, where they live. The threats would come directly to my children’s phones, directly to my children’s homes.

    "How the hell did whoever these assholes were get that information? And there was chatter on the internet, people talking to each other, threatening, saying, 'Hey, we got to get rid of this guy. What are we going to do about him? He’s hurting the president’s chances.' You know, that kind of right-wing craziness."

    Fauci, 80, has faced backlash for promoting public safety during the pandemic to the point where he needs to have federal agents with him when he goes for a walk. Trump publicly disparaged him on multiple occasions and had crowds chanting "Fire Fauci!" at rallies.

    …"One day I got a letter in the mail, I opened it up and a puff of powder came all over my face and my chest," he said. "That was very, very disturbing to me and my wife because it was in my office.

    "So I just looked at it all over me and said, 'What do I do?' The security detail was there, and they’re very experienced in that. They said, 'Don’t move, stay in the room.' And they got the hazmat people. So they came, they sprayed me down and all that."

    …"It was a benign nothing," he said. "But it was frightening. My wife and my children were more disturbed than I was. I looked at it somewhat fatalistically. It had to be one of three things: A hoax. Or anthrax, which meant I’d have to go on Cipro for a month. Or if it was ricin, I was dead, so bye-bye.”

    They wanted him to only say things that they wanted him to say.

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    The heckler's veto is even more fun with bioterrorism!
