Saturday, January 23, 2021

All along, the "plan" was to wave a white flag

Red State: "In a Completely Unexpected Development, Biden Admits His Biggest Campaign Promise Was a Lie." - "But now that Biden has taken office, he is shrugging and saying there’s nothing he can do. It’s absolutely amazing, and infuriating to witness. What’s even dumber is that Biden is, at the same time, claiming that his “100 day challenge” to wear masks will somehow save 50,000 lives. So can we change the trajectory of the virus or not? Make up your mind."  

ICYMI, Joe Biden and his family violated his own mask mandate but Jen Psaki said it's totally OK thanks to the "celebration" loophole.


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Trump voters say "I'm offended by the president's lie!" (And it's not even a lie.),204,203,200_.jpg

  2. Too stupid to learn basic HTML?

  3. Anonymous7:15 PM

    ...but not stupid enough to think Trump was going to win.

    Works for me, you're the one complaining (twice).
