Monday, August 03, 2020

"They've always been preparing the Torricelli Option"

Always upvote references to the Torricelli option.  Ace: "Surprise! As Sundown Joe's Congnitive Function Rapidly Declines, Media Starts Narrative Push for Idea that Debates Are Contrary to Democracy and American Values."
The most predictable thing ever predicted happens, exactly as predicted, and about at the exact time as predicted.
Now fly, media monkeys, fly!


  1. Anonymous5:00 AM

    This is funny stuff, coming on the same day as Trump's hapless Axios interview on HBO.

    The debates are, what, the 30th thing that's going to save Donald Trump?

  2. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Wait what? Hilary lost? I was told that Clinton was a shoo-in in 2016. The media told me it would be a landslide victory against a hapless Donald Trump. There were 30 reasons Trump would never beat Clinton, maybe more.

  3. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Some prefer to remain permanently in 2016 rather than living in 2020. Understandable, really. They're going to have to feed off 2016 for a while to come.

  4. Yes, the Republicans will have to contend with another career politician that nobody likes AGAIN. It's going to be so different from 2016.

  5. Anonymous11:04 PM

    The "nobody likes him" argument favors Donald Trump? That's... a claim.

    One difference from 2016 is all those S.O.S. ads Trump has to buy in Texas, Iowa, North Carolina, Ohio, Georgia, etc. But he must be airing them just to say "hi," because his position is so strong.
