Monday, August 03, 2020

The narrative from the DNC to the garbage media

Twitchy: "Who saw this coming?’ NY Times shares a take about presidential debates that’s the most predictable thing EVER."

The opinion piece from Elizabeth Drew: "Let's scrap the Presidential debates."  Of course.

So this idea was floated a couple weeks back by the NYT's Tom Friedman and then raised again last week by Democrat hatchet man Joe Lockhart.  Now it's time to keep the drumbeat going with some timely opinion pieces in the NY Times and Washington Post, followed by a Chuck Todd commentary.

Why so scared?  C'mon, we all know why: "Dan Bongino: Sources Say Joe Biden Is Reaching the Point of No Return, Democrats Will Have a Decision to Make."
We’ve all seen how hard Biden’s campaign is working to hide his mental degradation. This is a guy who can’t give a short press conference without a list of hand chosen reporters to call on and detailed notes on how to answer basic questions. Absolutely nothing he does anymore is off the cuff, which is why said press conferences only happen ever three to four months. His speeches are short and even his most scripted moments are painful to watch. He’s been doing live streams from his basement and routinely forgets that he’s talking to a recording. Just the other day, he forgot where he was again, a very common theme from many of his public appearances.
All I can say about Dan Bongino is that he's a former Secret Service agent so I suspect he's been hearing rumors filtered through Joe Biden's detail.  The media elite see it, so they have to align their narrative on Biden's eventual withdrawal from the debates.

More - Althouse: "I knew this was coming, and I'm expecting a lot more of this: "Let’s Scrap the Presidential Debates."

Extra fun:


  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Approvingly quoting Scott Adams to hype Trump's reelection chances?

    That's like when plane crash survivors are forced to resort to cannibalism.

  2. After the 2016 election, the Boston Globe quipped that they had exactly one person "on staff" who said Trump was going to win. It was Scott Adams.

  3. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Which particular day in 2016 did Scott Adams say that?

    1. Scott Adams, March 21, 2016: Donald Trump will win in a landslide. (No.)

    2. August 8, 2016: Hillary Clinton will win. (No.)

    3. October 13, 2016: Clinton will win easily. (No.)

    4. October 25, 2016: Trump will win. (Yes.)

    5. November 2, 2016: Trump will win in a landslide. (No.)

    6. Election Day 2016: There will be riots. (No.)

    There's a Scott Adams "prediction" for any occasion. Or get the 12-pack, and trade with your friends.

  4. Election Day: "On election day, should Trump win as I predict, I ask for Trump supporters to stay cool when the predictable riots erupt."

    You can find it on the link above.

  5. Anonymous11:09 PM

    When Scott Adams predicts a "predictable riot," that's when you know it's the safest place and time for a nursing mother to take her new baby.
