Sunday, July 12, 2020

We flattened the curve...and then we didn't

The number of daily cases of coronavirus is surging, according to the Johns Hopkins covid tracker and the CDC update page.  The number of deaths had been steadily dropping but now are edging back up again with new cases.

After initial success, it now seems like everything is spinning out of control:
The painful economic lockdowns imposed in March gave the country time to flatten the epidemiological curve and contain the virus. But that window of opportunity, which came at great economic cost, is quickly slamming shut. Health experts say all signs point to a deadly summer and fall unless government leaders implement a much more robust national strategy.
The breadth of the spread is staggering. Forty-three states have seen the number of cases confirmed on an average day increase in the last two weeks. The number of patients in hospitals has risen over the same period in 29 states. More than 80 percent of intensive care beds are occupied in Alabama, Arizona and Georgia.
Dr. Scott Gottlieb was on "Face the Nation" this morning and said there is a regional effect where New York, for example, had a huge spike which now has come down similar to the covid pattern seen in Italy.  The South and Southwest, on the other hand, is following more of a plateau similar to what was seen in Brazil.

It's depressing: we were making progress and now it seems like an illusion.


  1. We're all gonna die - might as well make your funeral plans now.

    / Is that some serious Zen shit, or what?

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    It appears that the Chinese really screwed everyone with this mess
