Friday, July 10, 2020

More top-notch reporting

Reason: "Churches, Which Account for 0.02% of COVID-19 Cases, Are a 'Major Source' of Infection, The New York Times Says" - "The paper's claim reflects the same arbitrary distinction between religious and secular activities that churches are challenging in court."


  1. (cough)5:17 AM

    The New York Times is correct, of course.

    If the Times had published an article about sleepaway camps, or funerals, or pool parties, or leadership conferences being 'major sources' of Covid spread, there wouldn't be this reflexively righteous attempt to minimize the math.

    0.02% of all Covid cases sounds so tiny. Probably that's the reason why the Reason writer doesn't say 60,000 cases. 60,000 is twenty 9/11's, or 15,000 Benghazis.

  2. Anonymous11:53 AM

    "The Reason writer doesn't say 60,000 cases."

    Maybe that's because the New York Times' article said the correct number was 650 cases.

  3. I don't think the commenter read the article very carefully. The NYT claims 650 cases (not deaths) are "linked to" churches and religious events. Not 60,000.

    0.02% "sounds so tiny" because it is so tiny.

  4. (wheeze)4:37 PM

    So it only equals 160 Benghazis? (1 Benghazi = 0.000001%.)

    The New York Times has also written separate articles about the extent of the Covid virus outbreak within DisneyWorld, Major League Baseball, the White House staff, NYC's Orthodox Hasidic community, libraries, a specific Whole Foods outlet in D.C., skiing resorts, Myrtle Beach, the customers of a single barber, Wisconsin polling stations, public pools, and strip clubs — to name just 0.02% of the Times' virus coverage.

    Most of those groups and areas are nowhere close to 650 cases. But there wasn't an instantaneous defensive pushback to those articles, because they were Jesus-free.

  5. Anonymous6:11 PM

    "Most of those groups and areas are nowhere close to 650 cases."
    And they're especially nowhere close to 60,000 cases, eh...?

    Nor, I would guess, were any of them called "major sources of infection" by the Times.

    But those 59,350 welts on your ass from the buckshot must be a major source of pain.

  6. Anonymous6:12 AM

    If the NYT said 24636+61462=75 he'd agree with the rationale that hardly anybody adds those two numbers together, so 75 might as well be the right answer.

    That's liberal logic 101, replace the truth with feelings, especially when it comes to rights in the constitution they don't have use for.
