Tuesday, July 21, 2020

This video has 150 million views

This group is Red Velvet and they're one of the most popular and versatile groups in K-pop.  One thing I think is really funny about Red Velvet is that one of their members - Wendy - grew up in Canada and speaks completely fluent English.  There are a handful of videos where the group is being interviewed by English media outlets and Wendy answers for the group while the other girls just nod along in their incomprehension.


  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Thanks for posting this. It’s completely new to me, and strikes me as something that the internet should be used for. (Instead of being deployed continuously as a political weapon)

  2. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Sorry for chiming in a second time, but I also find this kind of amusing. The girls are cute, svelte, and wholesome instead of fat, tattoo’d, pierced, and gangster. They’re 30 years less “culturally evolved” than we “trend-setting” Americans are. I hope they can hold onto their ways. Ours aren’t looking so great.

  3. I really like this particular song because of the musical range. That girl hits the high note like an opera singer.
