Wednesday, July 22, 2020

That job is taken

Twitchy: "Under no conditions will Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot allow President Trump’s ‘troops’ to terrorize the residents."

Fox News: "Chicago's Lori Lightfoot tweets against Trump as bullets fly outside funeral home" - "The mayor's tweet came almost simultaneously as at least 15 people were reportedly shot outside a funeral home."

Extra - Victory Girls: "Chicago: Where TDS Trumps Citizen Safety."


  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    The proud gun owners of Chicago should exert their Second Amendment rights to forcefully oppose any government that unleashes the military upon its own liberty-loving citizens.

    That principle has been a hallmark of conservatism for decades and decades. Who will reject that abiding principle today?

  2. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Your transparently disingenuous baiting would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    What's being torn down faster before our eyes, racist statues or fundamental conservative principles?

  4. Anonymous5:54 PM

    "Help! Please save our soy asses, hated gun nuts!"

  5. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Speaking of the anticipated physical threat to asses, you should stock up on lube before the evening of November 3.

    Your conservative principles already assumed the rhetorical "catching" position long ago.

  6. Anonymous5:07 PM

    "From my cold, dead principles..."

  7. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Your linked photo and comments on conservative principles cut me to the quick, so I'm ready to deal on behalf of the gun owners. We ask only one thing - but you have to do it first.

    We gun owners will agree to use our Second Amendment right to bear arms to defend the liberty-lovers' First Amendment right to free speech from oppression by government. But first you must report on one (only one!) instance where you personally have used your First Amendment rights, to defend our Second Amendment rights from the constant government attempts to oppress them. Don't bother responding if you don't have a detailed, 2A-loving report, principled constitutionalist. Our guns await, at the ready.

    Related: Another lefty gets mugged by reality.

    Hey, maybe that guy could use his new firearm to shoot at the police as they try to stop the peaceful protesters from burning his apartment building down.

    Ya think?

  8. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Ha, ha...
