Friday, June 19, 2020

Val Demings' stock drops

I'm on record as predicting that Joe Biden will pick Val Demings as his running mate because she checks all the boxes and comes from the critical state of Florida.  But now Black Lives Matter says "not so fast, pig."  Hot Air: "After Finally Getting A-Klo’s Scalp, BLM Takes Aim At … Val Demings?"  Because when you're blue, you ain't black.

The pressure is now intense that Biden pick a woman of color but the list is narrowing.  So I just want to say that this guy predicted way back in April that Biden would pick Susan Rice. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Who's on Joe Biden's short list? Who will he pick?

    I just want to say that this guy correctly predicted it way back in 1979.
