Thursday, June 18, 2020

The garbage media hits a new low and starts digging

From the smug, supercilious scribes at the once-respected Washington Post.  Reason: "The Washington Post's Halloween Costume Hit Job Is a New Low for Cancel Culture."
Brace yourself before diving in, because this is one of the worst newspaper articles of all time. Between the elite media navel-gazing, the smug sanctimony of the cancelers, the absurd one-sidedness of the narrative structure, the spirit of revenge taken to an odious extreme, it's hard not to come away feeling nauseated. Unfortunately, it's so emblematic of the rising dual trends of activist journalism and unforgiving progressivism that I'm going to go into some detail here.
Detail he does about a pair of SJWs who were offended (their natural state) by a Halloween costume.  I laughed and laughed until....
When Schafer was informed recently that the Post was writing about the incident, she thought she should inform her employer. Schafer was promptly fired, which is entirely the Post's fault. Gruber and Prince didn't know Schafer's name and had no way to publicly shame her without the newspaper's assistance.
WT actual F?  She was fired?  She lost her job over this?  Nice going, Washington Post.  A woman got canned because Democracy Dies In Darkness, you pretentious twits.
It's astonishing that this article—a story about a long-ago Halloween party attended by the Post's own staff and principally involving three private persons—made it to print, and everyone involved in its publication should be deeply ashamed. That includes Prince and Gruber, but also Fisher and Trent, and their editors. As far as cancel culture goes, this is a new and depressing low point.
To borrow a quote from the masthead of Ace of Spades: "Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." - H. L. Mencken


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Roger Stone Told Trump In Advance WikiLeaks Would Release Documents Harmful To Clinton Campaign, Aides Claimed

    Based on the interviews it conducted with those three men and other officials, special counsel Robert Mueller’s report concluded it had "established that the Trump Campaign displayed interest in the WikiLeaks releases, and that former Campaign member Roger Stone was in contact with the Campaign about those releases, claiming advance knowledge of more to come."

    The newly unredacted portions of the Mueller report also show that after the initial dump by WikiLeaks, Trump personally asked Manafort to keep in touch with Stone, who in turn told the then-campaign chairman to keep him “apprised of any developments with WikiLeaks.” Investigators were also told by Gates that Trump had multiple phone conversations with Stone during the campaign and that, following one call held en route to LaGuardia airport, “Trump told Gates that more releases of damaging information would be coming.”

    In written testimony to Mueller’s team in November 2018, Trump denied being aware of any communications between Stone, Manafort, Gates, or Donald Trump Jr and WikiLeaks or Assange. Yet according to the newly public portions of the Special Counsel’s report, “Trump knew that Manafort and Gates had asked Stone to find out what other damaging information about Clinton WikiLeaks possessed, and that Stone's claimed connection to WikiLeaks was common knowledge within the Campaign."

    ...The Justice Department blacked out sections pertaining to Stone arguing they contained information that could interfere with its prosecution of the longtime political operative and informal Trump advisor.

    Stone was ultimately convicted by a jury last November of seven felonies, including lying to investigators and witness tampering. But after he was sentenced in February, closing his case, the Justice Department did not move to release a version of the Mueller report with the Stone narrative restored. That prompted BuzzFeed News and EPIC to file a court motion seeking to compel the government to do so.

    Oh, that pesky Russia! Russia! Nothingburger Hoax.

  2. Can't you leave that poor dead horse alone?
