Thursday, June 11, 2020

Must be an election year

Because Black Votes Matter.  NY Post: "A ‘Black Lives’ pander by Democrats."  "Joe Biden’s video address to George Floyd’s funeral was impressive — but only if you just landed from Mars."
With maudlin soundtrack and husky voice, the former vice president oozed empathy as he churned out empty platitudes about “racial justice” that are at odds with his personal history and the record of the Democratic Party he has represented for 47 years.

“I grew up with Catholic social doctrine which taught me that faith without works is dead,” he said, “and you will know us by what we do.”

OK, I accept the challenge.

Let us know Biden and his party by what they have done for black people in all the decades Dems have enjoyed a firm hold on their vote.
Ah, yes, Mr. "Deeds not words."  Biden sure made a lot of money giving speeches (words) but until the Presidential campaign was an absolute tightwad giving to charity: "Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year." 


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    How can the Democrats let this go on?

  2. I always hear the theory that the Dems are going to replace him right after the convention. They can't do it beforehand because then the #2 delegate holder - Bernie - would lay claim to the nomination and, brother, that ain't gonna happen.

    Instead I think it evinces a general uneasiness about Biden's candidacy. Of course, a lot of people were uneasy about Trump (including yours truly) but it was over his tone and demeanor, not mental decay.

  3. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 & get the APP:
    Joe Biden doesn't know what Juneteenth is:

    "He’s going down to Texas on Juneteenth, right? The first major massacre ... of the Black Wall Street, right?"

    1. President Trump is going to Texas today, not June 19
    2. Juneteenth is about emancipation
    3. The massacre was in Oklahoma

    David Frum:
    Ha ha Biden is so old and deaf he gets our racist dog whistles mixed up with each other!

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Can't wait for the debates. Soon as Trump goes off script and Sleepy Joe has to think on his feet, he's going to start spouting gibberish. Biden can't even respond to female college student questions without breaking out the lying dog faced pony soldier nonsense. The "neutral" debate moderators are going to have their work cut out for them to save Biden from himself.

  5. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Poor addled deteriorating Biden can physically drink a glass of water without looking like a hospital patient relearning the use of their arms.

  6. Anonymous2:08 PM

    When Trump goes off script, Biden is DOOMED.

  7. Anonymous5:44 AM

    The question voters must ask themselves in 2020 is this.
    How can a decaying, almost-gone Joe Biden survive against a strong, vigorous president who teeters and wobbles down a ramp like Dr. Strangelove walking out of his wheelchair?

    Aaron Rupar:
    Trump descended a ramp extremely carefully at the end of his West Point speech today

    Bill Scher:
    I don't really care about this sort of thing, but if Biden did it, there would be a slew of tweets from Trump campaign staff suggesting Biden was deteriorating before our very eyes, and the clip would end up in its ads.

    Leif Ronning:
    Love how he takes one real step at the end and throws out his chest like he just accomplished something really manly.

    Donald J. Trump:
    The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery. The last thing I was going to do is “fall” for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!

  8. Anonymous9:32 AM

    How can the Republicans allow such ramp descents to go on?

  9. Anonymous1:24 PM

    "Joe Biden is a decayed husk, and must be put to pasture before that spry and mentally acute Donald Trump euthanizes him onstage before the eyes of the country."

    Remember, as Donald Trump tweets out a humiliating defense of his ramp walking difficulties, or insists he was only inspecting that bunker, or accuses a cable news host of murder, or tweets that a 75-year-old assault victim was an undercover Antifa operative, the Supreme Court is weighing the argument of Trump's lawyers: that he can't be forced to release his taxes to Congress because he's far too busy.
