Wednesday, June 10, 2020

I'm 99% sure this is a fake story

Ace: "Antifa Warriors in Seattle Autonomous Zone: The Homeless People Took All of Our Food. Please Send Soy."

This sets off my "can't possibly be true" alarms.  If it's satire, it's damn funny.


  1. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Beloved president Trump had his lawyer demand that CNN retract its last poll, and publicly apologize for how fake it is. But CNN isn't going to, because they're not just liars, they're stubborn liars.

    Some of Trump's most recent disapproval margins, according to other bogus fantasists:

    CNN -19%
    Gallup -18%
    Ipsos -18%
    You Gov -17%
    Morning Consult -19%
    RMG -16%
    Firehouse -18%
    Marist -14%
    IBD -13%
    AP-NORC -17%
    CBS -14%
    American Research -17%

    Rasmussen is at minus-11%, which suggests the real number must be about 25%.

    But fear not, “the highly respected pollster” McLaughlin has Trump’s disapproval margin down to 5%.

    Best of all, OAN News — the only media source to correctly spot that the old bleeding man in Buffalo was secretly an Antifa saboteur — has announced they're getting into the polling game! Finally, it's time to suppress the "SUPPRESSION POLLS"!

  2. And what were the first things Antifa did in governing their new enclave? They built a wall and instituted stop-and-frisk.

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Rasmussen moves up to minus-13%.

    I smell a class action lawsuit from Trump!

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Another "oops" update:
    OAN News, which had publicly promised to deliver a poll that Trump would like, briefly did so. Then it deleted the poll, and also deleted the original promise.

    Apparently, a poll showing good results for Trump would be just too impossibly outlandish, even for OAN.

    And they're the channel that first reported the Russian-sourced scoop about the skull-fractured old man in Buffalo having been a clandestine saboteur from Antifa, caught on video attacking the police with his super-scanner. But a decent Trump poll? Who'd believe that?
