Thursday, May 07, 2020

"Pull a Torricelli" makes a comeback

This obscure phrase is known only by political junkies, so pull up a chair.  In 2002, New Jersey senator Robert Torricelli was running for re-election when he was hit with multiple ethics charges.  This sent his poll numbers into a nosedive and, mortally wounded, he dropped out of the race to be replaced by veteran NJ politician Frank Lautenberg, who would go on to win.  Therefore, the phrase "pulling a Torricelli" means replacing your damaged candidate a month before the election.

Here's Instapundit:
There’s a good argument that Joe Biden is Bob Dole without the war heroism, the legislative achievements, the dry sense of humor, or the ability to speak in complete sentences. But everything is up in the air, and there’s a good chance that the Democrats will try to pull a Torricelli and replace Biden at the last minute.
And here's Ace:
You know, I hate being right about some things. I said forever that Joe Biden would not make it to the election as the nominee. And damnit, I was right.
What's going on?  Only that the San Luis Obispo Tribune is reporting "Exclusive: 1996 court document confirms Tara Reade told of harassment in Biden’s office."  IF true, this would be the sixth contemporaneous (or a couple years after the alleged event) corroborating evidence that something happened in Joe Biden's office.  Meanwhile, Megan Kelly has an interview with Tara Reade, who says she's willing to testify under oath.

"Pull a Torricelli" - if this story continues to develop with this trajectory, it's gonna happen.


  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Good work. Keep at it. “Twilight” author Stephenie Meyer also started out by writing swoony fan fiction.

  2. Anonymous4:03 AM

    How would you know what work was, good or not? You guys aren't interested in work, just getting free stuff because it's "fair".

  3. When I'm in the mood for fiction, I read the Steele dossier.

    It's classified under "fantasy."

  4. I spotted a better analogy last week. Think of Biden as Tommy DeVito (Joe Pesci's character in Goodfellas), who's been told 'you're gonna be a made man', akin to being the Dem. presidential nominee. When DeVito went to that house in Queens, he was expecting a room full of wiseguys who were gonna do the ceremony to 'make' him, like Biden accepting the nomination. Only thing is - the room's empty, DeVito realizes too late that he got set up and says 'Oh, no...' just before Vinnie and the other guy put two in the back of his head.

    "They whacked him - they fuckin' whacked him."

  5. Anonymous11:29 AM

    They've really painted themselves into a corner. Biden can't walk and chew gum at the same time, an addled old man with Alzheimer symptoms and moist fingers. Within a week, he went from an also-ran to the virtual nominee due to the establishments fear of the communist. But they still need Sanders' supporters to win the election. If Biden gets the Torricelli treatment, it's going to be impossible to convince the "new free deal" crowd to support whatever ringer they choose to replace Biden with.

  6. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Eric, you left out the most important part of the Torricelli story.

    According to established law in the state of New Jersey, it was too late for the Dems to put anybody else on the ballot when Torricelli got hit with the ethics charges (bribery, IIRC). But the N.J. Supreme Court, packed with liberal judges, decided that the law "was unfair to the voters of New Jersey" and overturned it, enabling the Dems to replace Torricelli with Frank Lautenberg.

    And the citizens of New Jersey got the government they voted for, good and hard.

  7. Anonymous12:51 PM

    You boys seem awfully anxious to get rid of an incoherent stumbling scandal-ridden old boob of a dream opponent.

    Especially one whose numbers are about to nosedive an-n-ny minute now.

  8. Yeah, I thought about including the NJ Supreme Court overturning black-and-white law, but it wasn't really relevant to the post.

    Today Trump was downplaying the allegations against Biden. Why? Because he knows it will be super-easy to beat that incoherent stumbling scandal-ridden old boob of a dream opponent.

  9. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Eric - thanks for acknowledging that at least you knew about it and gave it some thought before dropping it from your commentary.

    I myself have to constantly remind liberal commenters that the SCOTUS didn't "steal" the 2000 election from Gore; they merely insisted that Florida had to follow the law as it had been written. (But of course, facts & logic never matter to them; if they "feel" strongly enough that the election was stolen from them, then it "must" be true.) But - New Jersey.

    (I escaped NJ by moving to Illinois. And you're in Massachusetts. The choices we make, huh?)

  10. IIRC, the Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court said that the ruling to extend the counting period had absolutely no standing in the law.

    But YOLO!

  11. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Today Trump was downplaying the allegations against Biden. Why? Because he knows it will be super-easy to beat that incoherent stumbling scandal-ridden old boob of a dream opponent.

    It seems like getting oneself impeached for trying and failing to stop an incoherent stumbling scandal-ridden old boob of a dream opponent is less than ideal political strategy. But I admit I'm no 9-dimensional chess grandmaster.

  12. Anonymous4:13 PM

    "Must stop dream opponent from being my opponent!"
