Thursday, May 07, 2020

Kayleigh McEnany drops the mic

Daily Wire: "Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Reminds Media How They Downplayed Coronavirus Outbreak."

What's so great about this clip is that it reveals the utter predictability of the press.  McEnany knew they were champing at the bit for another "gotcha!" moment and, when it reliably appeared, she threw it right back.  The media is always looking to cast blame and she re-cast it as a question on how much blame the media should take.  How many deaths have they caused? 

Oh that's not a real question, they sniffed.


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    How exhausting it must be for good conservative doggies. Simultaneously having to maintain that the coronavirus pandemic is another MSDNC Get Trump hoax, but also Obama's fault for not preparing, and sometimes also the worst surprise attack on America since Pearl Harbor, depending on which side of Trump's belly feels gassy at any given moment.

  2. "Metrics"5:14 PM

    Let it never be said that I'm a cherry-picker, leaving out the positive real polling for Trump. Today's presidential approval ratings:

    Global Strategy -- 42% approval, with a disapproval margin of minus-14%
    Firehouse Strategies -- 42% approval, margin of minus-16%
    YouGov -- 42% approval, margin of minus-10%

    RASMUSSEN --49% approval, PLUS-1%!!!

    You're welcome.

  3. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Kayleigh McEnany drops the mic, Part II:

    McEnany was asked why Trump refused to wear a PPE mask when meeting with World War II veterans in their 90s, who are among the most susceptible to dying from Covid-19.

    Her response: "They made the choice to come here."

    "Fuck you for your service."
