Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Where is the media now?

I said I wasn't going to talk about Alyssa Milano anymore.  But I will ask about the media response to the #MeToo claim against Joey Fingers:
Yet it's difficult to see the media's treatment of this story as anything other than blatant hypocrisy because there's nothing novel about the Biden accusation when compared to the Kavanaugh accusation. At the time of Milano's tweet in support of Ford, there was no evidence of Kavanaugh's guilt beyond what Ford had claimed in her statements (and little corroborating evidence of Ford's claims ever materialized, given how long ago the incident had unfolded). The Reade allegation is at exactly the same stage: She is speaking up about what happened to her, and asking to be believed. But this time, Milano—who attended an anti-Kavanaugh rally while draped in a banner that read, quite literally, "believe women"—thinks it's not enough.
Just a reminder: there is no evidence that Blasey-Ford and Kavanaugh even met.  Tara Reade, on the other hand, was a staffer working for Biden.  The media breathlessly reported Deborah Ramirez's account, which magically appeared 35 years later after a hypnosis session revealed hidden memories.  But, ya know, that's real news. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Just a reminder: there is no evidence that Blasey-Ford and Kavanaugh even met.

    Absolutely none. That third day of the FBI investigation was excessive.

    Someone should go to that spider hole and tell Mark Judge it's safe to come out now.
