Tuesday, April 07, 2020


Hot Air: "CDC Chief: The Actual Death Toll Could Be “Much, Much, Much, Much Lower” Than The WH Model, Thanks To Social Distancing."

So the question is: were the "experts" way off or did they scare Americans into the right behavior to limit the spread of coronavirus? 


  1. The media's behavior during this Chink Virus thing is well beyond reprehensible.

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Have we already forgotten that when the White House first presented its model numbers they indicated that there would be 100,000 to 200,000 deaths if the country practiced social distancing and mitigation perfectly, and 1 to 2.2 million deaths if it didn't? Those numbers were used to justify shutting the economy down.

    Now, as we watch their predictions collapse much, much, much, much lower, we're supposed to fawn as they pat us on the head and tell us that it's happening because of our heroic efforts at mitigation, rather than because they pretended to know things that they didn't know?

  3. Oooh, so edgy!4:09 PM

    Roger Bournival: The media's behavior during this Chink Virus thing is well beyond reprehensible.

    Do the world a favor and lick the elevator buttons.
