Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The NY Times beclowns itself twice

Once in execution and again in explanation.  National Review: "The New York Times Knows Nobody Believes It about Biden, Kavanaugh, and Sexual Assault."
A remarkable thing happened Monday: The New York Times executive editor, Dean Baquet, actually had to answer questions about his paper’s very different coverage of sexual-assault allegations against Joe Biden and Brett Kavanaugh. It did not go well. It is simply impossible to read the interview and the Times coverage of the two cases and come away believing that the Times acted in good faith or, frankly, that it even expects anyone to believe its explanations. The paper’s motto, at this point, may as well be “All the News You’re Willing to Buy.”
The media has been hoisted upon its own petard with their scandalous treatment of Kavanaugh.

Extra - Federalist: "Media Treated Joe Biden’s Assault Accuser Differently Than Brett Kavanaugh’s."

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