Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Reason: "Budget Deficit Now Expected To Near $4 Trillion This Year" - "And more coronavirus stimulus spending could send that number soaring higher."
"There's the real risk, of course, that we might be teeing up a public debt crisis on the other end of this," Boccia told Fox. That, she added, would likely mean higher taxes, reduced government services, inflation, and economic stagnation.
Will it though?  I've been ringing that alarm on debt levels (mostly with regard to entitlement spending) and the government keeps expanding with no perceptible drag on the economy.  Where is the sting of high public debt?


  1. There will be a lot less debt if we cancel all of those Treasury notes being held by the ChiComs, and we have the perfect President with the balls to do it.

  2. Anonymous4:07 PM

    But we'll need to temporarily take those balls out of your mouth.
